
' Miss Tan has tutored me in Combined Science (Chemistry) and E Maths in the year 2009 for my O Level Exams. She has an excellent teaching style that is easy to pick up on and for me to adapt to. I have had no problems understanding her teaching. She shows how to properly do a task or work through problems and from there, she helps me master the task or solution problem. I have since been able to independently solve fairly challenging questions for both Chemistry and E Maths. This is thanks to using her demonstrated methods. With her calm and friendly demeanour, I am unafraid to ask for help when I do not understand something.
One of her best teaching methods is that she can easily summarise a complicated chapter into a flowchart or table, making it easier for me to retain in my memory and to recall during the examinations. I also appreciated her patience with me when she was tutoring me in E Maths. It gave me more confidence in trying out the questions as she did not "crowd" me for a correct answer.
So thank you Miss Tan :)'

'I score A1 for my chem and physics.  thanks. '

 “Highly committed teacher
Effective teaching methods and principles
Friendly yet firm towards student.
Makes effort to complete make up lessons
Frequent mini-tests keep student on toes”

"... had great fun during your lesson"

"... always so patient, kind and understanding! I always enjoyed having tuition with you (I dont enjoy other tuition cause they are boring"

"... my concepts are getting stronger due to your help!"

".. Your teachings have greatly improved my understanding in the Sciences.."

".. she could not have pulled it off without you pushing her"